Friday, December 17, 2010

...Eight sleeps to go...

Welcome to my blog which I intend to post updates onto whilst I am away for 2011. I have eight sleeps to go, and to be honest I have very mixed feelings. It doesn't really feel like I am going... which is funny being I now have a job teaching music at Townsend Primary School in Southwark, I have my ancestry visa, I have my very expensive plane ticket... and I even have pounds... yet I still don't really feel I am going anywhere!! 

I think it is because I haven't packed. I haven't packed, because I don't know what to pack. Currently in London it is -3 degrees. I don't think I have anything that will keep me warm enough. Unless of course I wear the entire contents of my wardrobe - and resemble the marshmallow man. Haha.

Anyway... that is next on my 'to-do' list...pack! Shockingly enough, I already know which shoes I am taking... some things never change! Oh - and I am DEFINITELY taking my MacBook Pro. Gosh it's really. 

My last day of MBIS for a while was a goodie. Kids were great all day... and reminded me how amazing 11 year olds can be! I received some AMAZING gifts... so thoughtful, and the kind words kids wrote in cards certainly brought a tear to the eye... It'll be weird not seeing those kids grow up over the next year. 

My farewell speech was short and sweet, the gist of it being me saying that I wasn't saying 'goodbye', because as JM Barrie once said, "Goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting". 

It was sad to see my classroom go from jam-packed walls to bare fabric... 
Anyway... today it is pouring with rain. Auckland is sad I'm leaving. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it! Tomorrow it will be just a week...


  1. Hey Sarah... Im your first blogee!!! I will be looking forward to reading and commenting on your blog while you are on your adventures!!! Maybe I do need to do something like this!!! I hope to see you on Xmas night. If I dont... all the very best to you...and may the best of this year be the worst of next year!!! Love Bev

  2. Love this blog Sarah - I am looking forward to hearing of your travels and seeing the amazing pics I know you send back. I think you should post a picture of you looking like a marshmallow!! It is raining because Auckland is sad to see you go - if not Auckland then certainly the North Shore.
    Go Well and Travel Safe - I know we will all miss you.
