Friday, January 21, 2011

London makes me happy. Then mad. Then happy. Then mad.

London makes me mad. Actually - Barclays bank makes me mad. Oh! Where to start... I still didn't have my bank account open until today - at long last. I tried opening it on New Years Eve... the problem was that I didn't have proof of my NZ address - my bank lady at Westpac on Constellation Drive saved the day - with some help from my wonderful friend Jacinda who collected some printed bank statements and scanned them to me. I still don't have a card, but at least I have an account... should have a card by this week some time. Which is great being I have so much money sitting in an account that I can't touch yet!! (Compulsory savings??).

This has been a good week at school on the whole, I am settling into the day-to-day happenings and fitting in with everyone quite easily. I pick up their planning (??!!) and manage to make something up that is relatively engaging, some days I really impress myself. Just saying. LOL! It was a little awkward this afternoon because there has been a roll drop of about 160 pupils since this time last year, so the school is over-staffed and cuts are being made. There were all these official people from the Southwark Govern who came in to talk to us and explain the process. There were some really upset staff and some who were quite hurt and angry... it was a situation I have never been involved in so I was quite in shock at what was going on. I had already been told that my job was safe... but it makes it hard when I was the last one in the door, and here we are now with people losing their jobs, or losing hours. Not fun.

London makes me happy. Actually, lets be fair. Theatre makes me happy. Oh so happy. Bryce and I went and saw "The Phantom of the Opera" at Her Majesty's Theatre on Tuesday night this week. I've now seen it three times and it still baffles me how the Phantom disappears at the end. Theatre magic much? The show was good- but not one I will see again for a long time. You see, there are simply far too many others on my list... Jersey Boys, Wicked, The Lion King... The list goes on!!! 

 Her Majestys Theatre

 Stage pre-set ... you're allowed to take photos *before* the show only. 

Randomly, Bryce and I were seated next to this at Planet Hollwood before we went to the show, lol.

Amazing old theatre!

On Wednesday night, I ventured up North to Highgate to go and see an Amateur Production of a favourite show of mine "A Slice of Saturday Night". The entrance to the theatre was through a little old pub, and there were a bunch of Kiwi's working behind the bar. I had a £5.20 feed of burger, salad and chips with a drink and went on through to the theatre. It is a *tiny* stage... seats about 120, and the seats are either side of the stage. The cast were good - the girls were stronger vocally than the guys but the guys were excellent comic actors. They made amazing use of the small space, the choreography was amazing, really exciting and quite difficult looking. I liked how Eric 'Rubber legs' Devene played the guitar and accompanied himself for some of the songs he sung. I would go as far to say that in all honesty I enjoyed it more than Phantom the previous night. 

London makes me mad. I had a bit of a 'mare' on the way home, as the station (which I thought closed at midnight) was closed at 10.01pm when I got there. I was all the way up in North London and had no idea of alternative ways to get home... after trying to work out the bus timetable and trying to recognise places I knew, I decided that I'd just get on a bus and get off when I recognised something... and called Bryce to tell him what had happened! He text me some directions to get to another station, which was thankfully open, and I arrived home about 11.20pm. Whew. How I missed having a car at that point!!!

London makes me happy. Tonight (Friday) Bryce and I met at Waterloo Station after work and went into Covent Garden in search of some food. We found a Restaurant/Bar called Navajo Joe which was amazing... food was fantastic (and the margarita went down nicely too...) There were some cool Cuban posters up on the walls that Oli would have liked. After that we decided to go to Ripley's Believe it or Not Museum of Oddities. I downloaded an application for my iPhone which cost about $5.20 that offers vouchers etc for London eateries, attractions etc. I had a 2 for 1 voucher for Ripleys' which meant it only cost us the price of a movie each (£14.40) each. And what value for money!! It was amazing! We were there nearly two hours and it was quiet so we could wander around quietly with no crowds to be seen. 

 The Ripley's Museum of Oddities... so coooool!

 Moooooooooo!! Check out the hooves in her back! OUCH!

 Shrek's Chair. LOL. 

Ok, I'm ready for my closeup now. K. Thanks. Bye.

Huzzah! We appear on the map! Yusss!

He can be my new boyfriend. I would feel really petite! How novel. 

Chastity anyone?

Random fake photographer old man... 

London makes me mad. Well Clapham Park Estates agent make me mad. We were all signed off and ready to move into our flat tomorrow (Saturday) but now they say we can't until *next* Saturday because the current tenant (who is not even living there now...) is a single mother on a benefit and has been evicted, but the eviction notice was not handed out on time so everything is running later, and even though she is not living in the flat, nobody else can legally move in one week from when the papers are served. Or something like that. Needless to say I am pretty annoyed, because now it means another week of spending £9 a day on travel (currently that is almost $19NZD, multiply that by 5, and I am spending $95NZD on transport to work and back. ARGH!). Anyway, not much can be done... so I guess we wait it all out. Very frustrating though. 

London makes me happy. There really is so much to see and do. All the time. Tomorrow Bryce and I are finally going to go to Buckingham Palace and some other touristy places in town. I think I'd like to pay the money and go inside Westminster Abbey this time (last time I came we didn't do that). So I guess, from here... you can all look forward to more stories and more photos to come about our weekend. 

For now though, Cheery bye :)

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