Monday, September 5, 2011

Blackpool. Lights, flamboyancy and pretty boys

I spent three nights with Kylie and Martijn in London town last week, seeing Les Miserables for the second time at The Queen's Theatre and having the amazing opportunity to see Alfie Boe in the role of Jean Val Jean, and the incredibly talented Matt Lucas in the role of Msr. Thenarider. Alfie's voice filled the theatre every time he opened his mouth to sing, and you could hear a pin drop, he has such an effortless voice. It was lucky he was well enough to perform as he has missed quite a number of performances due to illness recently. Matt Lucas was amazing as Thenardier. I can't think of anyone else suited better to the role. His comic timing was simply brilliant. He ad-libbed a few times but it was so clever and so fitting and true to his role that it added to his performance. He owned the stage each and every time he was on it.

A really funny thing he did (which I have not seen before) was during the Master of the House scene he was seen meandering about the stage, grabbed an empty beer bottle from a customer, went to the side of the stage, fumbled with his pants and pretended to pee into the bottle, then gave it back to the customer after taking some money. He then walked around the stage and by the end of the song the bottle had made it back into his hands and he took a big swig just before the end of the song - then realising what he had drunk from he ran around the spit it out. I was quite focused on him and his characteristion so I noticed things that he did. Anyway - long story short, I *loved* Les Miserables the second time around, no stand-ins and it was just magic. Really pleased I saw it again before I return home to NZ.

If you haven't seen Matt in action as Thenardier, you'll appreciate this snippet from the 25th Anniversary.

I was up early on Thursday morning in order to get from Fulham to Euston Station, and got on the train at 8:30am to Carlisle, arriving at midday where Neil and Pam were waiting patiently on the platform. We then drove for two hours to Blackpool where we were to be spending the next five days. The hotel we are staying in is called Hotel Babylon, and is owned by the loveliest couple, David and Craig. It is clean, comfortable and has everything you would want - I would recommend anyone staying here looks them up! On Thursday evening we ventured out to find some dinner and a drink. We had fish and chips and then went into a pub that Neil and Pam go into most years they come here. Unfortunately one of the guys who worked there was really one of the people who really brought in the customers and is no longer there, so it was pretty dead. We went onwards to another pub, where that man I just mentioned now works, and it was humming with people. Neil ordered me a drink at the bar, and the barman took one look at me and said 'Not without ID please'. I was quite surprised, but understood that he was just doing his job. I said it was funny as I am 29 in a month - the barman thought I was taking the piss with that comment! He said I have an incredibly young face. I'm happy to look younger than I am - but I don't really want to look younger than 18! The pub was also awesome because it had karaoke. Now, I really enjoy a spot of karaoke. In fact that is a lie - I *love* it! In saying that, I have only ever done it in front of friends or family, so the idea of singing in front of a crowded pub of people in the middle of Blackpool was not something I was seriously considering. After listening to some other pub-goers have a go, I decided I couldn't do any worse...

I quite fancy a spot of Billy Joel... Jeez I look like Mum!

Happy times in Blackpool, with Neil and Pam

It is funny how people get a microphone in their hand, a drink down their throat and are suddenly convinced that they can sing famously. Even me. Haha. Seriously though, I love listening to people have a good old sing, even sometimes if they really can't hit any of the right notes at the right time, because anyone should be allowed to sing. It makes you feel good. I know that in the past I would belt out songs in the car (when nobody could hear or see me) and it just does something to you - it releases endorphins, it is like free happy medication. I wish I was a better singer than I am, but I know at least I am able to sing in tune. After a number of Malibu and Cokes I had plucked up the courage, and Neil put in my song: "Piano Man" by Billy Joel. That song always puts me in a good mood. My name came up and I approached the 'stage', was handed the mic and waited for the intro of the song to finish so I could come in. I don't know what the audience thought, but I was standing there (knees knocking at first) thinking "Bugger it, I don't know any of these people and I am highly unlikely to ever see them again in my life!" and from then I owned that stage, hilarious as it may sound. I had actions and everything - the audience loved it and I even got some joining in on the 'La de da's'. I felt pretty high once I was done, but one song was enough for me. I think I did Neil and Pam proud.

After we left that pub we moved onto a Gay Club called 'Mardis Gras' ( which is somewhere I know several of my friends would absolutely *love*! It was really funny as Pam kept checking if I was OK - she was quite unsure if I was comfortable in a 'gay' environment, which, if people know me, I totally am! It was a good laugh and we got talking to a few couples, one guy whose 40th Birthday it was, Philip, pulled me right up front to where there was a male stripper and kept saying 'Quick - get a photo, get a photo!' so I was busy snapping away, basically on his behalf! All good for a laugh. He decided he was adopting me as his sister for the night, and that was that. It was a great night, and we got home shortly before 1am and fell into bed.

G.I Stripper Man 
Philip, myself and Pam
In the morning we went into town and had a walk around, and down one of the piers in Blackpool. It is amazing how many amusement arcades they have here in Blackpool, insane! But fun to walk around. We played a couple of games, but won nothing! The beach in Blackpool is so vast, it is incredible to see when the tide is all the way out - such a deep beach. I enjoyed being a big kid in the amusement arcade.

Pier in Blackpool. Yes. It was cold and windy!

Such a big kid!

After that we drove into a nearby town called Lytham and walked around the shops, basically had a nice and quiet day. It was pleasant to wander around with no real intentions! I think Neil and Pam were worried I was bored - but to be honest I have done so much rushing here, there and everywhere that it was welcomed to just meander! I realise I have effectively been on holiday since the middle of July, but at the same time it is exhausting to be on holiday! I had been feeling really tired, but once we were out near the ocean I had a run around (pretending to be an airplane) and suddenly found some energy!

That's right. I'm a jet plane.
That evening was the first Friday of September, which is the date that the Blackpool Illuminations are switched on. The Illuminations Festival is an annual event, which started back in 1879. It runs each year for 66 days, and is known as the greatest free light festival on earth. It reminded me of Christmas. Pam, Neil and I went down into town to watch the grand switch on, which wasn't as impressive as I had expected, but we may not have been standing in the best place. But it was quite a nice atmosphere all the same! The Blackpool Tower looks stunning all lit up - and the street the lights are on is the length of the beach pretty much - that's a LOT of lights, about 10km worth! Ryan would LOVE it - so would Mum!

WOW! Mum and Dad would LOVE one of these in their garden at Christmas! 

Last night we went to Funny Girls, which is a burlesque cabaret bar in Blackpool, and is known the world over. For those who don't know... what makes them 'Funny Girls', is that all of them are actually boys! Even Prince Charles enjoys a performance or two - being they have performed at the Royal Variety Show more than once! It was only £4 to go in and stand to watch, or £20 for a table, but in all honesty I would rather stand - especially given we danced and had a good time in-between costume changes. It is just mind blowing - you simply *cannot* get a world-class quality performance anywherre that I know of for just £4! The bargirls were stunning, all with legs up to their armpits and the most gorgeous faces. Some had big hands, but many were delicate wee things. What I would do for legs like theirs!! Zoe is the emcee, and she runs the show smoothly and talks when the girls are changing into their next costumes.

I got a real surprise as someone (even now I am not sure who?!) gave Zoe a piece of paper which had a song request, dedicated to me. The song was "I am what I am" which is super awesome - firstly because Mum has sung that song in a show before, and secondly because 'La Cage' is an awesome musical. Zoe then said "So you have come all the way to NZ to stay in a shit-hole like Blackpool.... whhhyyyy?" which got a few laughs. It was a nice surprise to have a dedication. I spent the breaks in the show dancing with David, one of the hotel owners, which was really fun. All in all, an absolutely stunning show - the costumes were just to die for - Michael Sanders would have loved and appreciated those! I could just see Travis McWalter, I mean, ahem, Anna Rexia up there on stage - he is equally as talented a dancer and as beautiful as any of the performers I saw last night. In fact he would be in his *element* in a place like Funny Girls! They did performances including highlights from 42nd Street, Lord of the Dance, 60s, Abba and the Beatles, Beyonce - as well as some other alternative performances. I was definitely WOWED and had an awesome evening.

Swinging 60s
Lord of the Dance. WOW
Beyonce... put a ring on it!
She reminded me of Travis McW- but Travi has longer legs!
David and I having a dance :)
Blitz section, Boogey Woogey Bugle Boy

42nd Street! 

David, Pam, Craig, Me and Neil - professional photo at Funny Girls 
Zoe and I. 
I have had yet another wonderful time with Neil and Pam - have been well and truly spoilt and had a tonne of fun. From here I travel back to Workington for one night, then onto London town until the 16th of September - as I am off to Greece with Scott who arrives tomorrow. Excitement doesn't begin to describe my feelings - I can't wait to see someone familiar from home! I have been a busy girl, and long may this continue as that is what life is about! Until my next adventure (you know it won't be too far away!)...

Cheery bye :)

I will leave you some short videos of Funny Girls if you're interested... I found them on YouTube. I didn't take video as you're not supposed to... photos yes, video no. But here they are!

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