Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Magical Mystery Tour

Ed de 28th o' August, ay woke early (a laughin change) and Geoff and ay 'eaded into der pewl in 'is jam jar. We left St 'Elens at about 9am and 'ad arrived in der pewl by 9.30am, found a jam jar park and got out, ready fe us Beatletastic dee. It seems ay 'uv beun somewhat jammy wi' arriv'n at various destinations d'n excit'n events, fe example; Edinburgh d'n de fringe festival, Manc land ed de dee o' de pride parade – and dun der pewl in time fe de annual Beatles weekend!

So – who had trouble deciphering that lot?? Well – that (according to the online Scouse translator) is true Liverpudlian speak. For those of us who just can’t make sense of it… what it really says is…

On the 28th of August, I woke early (a nice change) and Geoff and I headed into Liverpool in his car. We left St Helens at about 9am and had arrived in Liverpool by 9.30am, found a car park and got out, ready for our Beatletastic day. It seems I have been somewhat lucky with arriving at various destinations during exciting events, for example; Edinburgh during the Fringe Festival, Manchester on the day of the Pride Parade – and then Liverpool in time for the annual Beatles weekend!

It was quiet around town when we arrived, and it was fantastic having a personal tour guide, as Geoff knows Liverpool quite well and was able to tell me what different buildings were- he is wealth of information! He told me various tid-bits of information as we wandered around the city, for example how the statue of the naked man on the old Lewis building caused an uproar when it was ‘erected’  (pun TOTALLY intended!!) because of its profanity – and apparently when it gets very cold and wet, his ‘bits’ look like they lengthen. I can only imagine! Geoff took me into the famous Lime Street Station and I had a photo with the Bessie Braddock (MP) statue, ad Geoff had one with the English comedian, Ken Dodd. We wandered behind St. George’s Hall through St. John’s Gardens – a hidden haven in the city – the gardens I would liken to Albert Park in Auckland.

Just another member of the public.
Geoff and Ken Dodd

Me and Bessie Braddock, MP.

Being that Liverpool were preparing for a Beatles event, a lot of the roads were closed and before midday the city was really quiet, so we got to take some excellent photos, even standing in the middle of the usually busy streets. We even found our way into the Cavern Quarter – Mathew Street. As any Beatles fans would know, the Cavern Club is where the Beatles played (and drank) back in the day. We had a look around the area and I enjoyed taking in the scenery and walking where the Beatles once walked. Once we were done with that we made our way down to the Albert Dock ready for our “Magical Mystery Tour” that Geoff had booked. We were early, so there was time for a quick look in the Beatles shop. It really is a good job that 
A) I am on a strict budget, and 
B) I don’t have room in my suitcase for anything more!!

John Lennon and I, hanging outside the Cavern.
So coooool to have been there!
Everything Beatles you can possible 'Imagine'.
The tour itself was really well done. Our tour guide had excellent background knowledge about the Beatles and about Liverpool, and thankfully didn’t have too thick a scouse accent so he was easy to understand! We were taken around parts of Liverpool that the Beatles once frequented; their birthplaces, childhood homes and schools, local areas that they spent time in and areas that inspired songs they wrote. The commentary was interspersed with snippets of Beatles tracks. It is here that I will mention that it seems as soon as some people hear songs they know the words to, they automatically consider themselves as quite an outstanding singer – which is really entertaining because you never knew when the snippets of music would stop, so on occasion some people (who sang slightly off-key) were found to be singing a brief solo. I couldn’t help but smile!

A highlight for me was seeing the homes where they lived. I don’t know what it is exactly that I find interesting about where they lived as children – but I guess it just goes to show how ‘normal’ they were – living in small houses that weren’t all that flash and not in affluent areas or anything. They really were just regular, run of the mill Liverpudlians! I really enjoyed going along Penny Lane, and seeing the sights that inspired the song – one of my favourite Beatles songs. The roundabout with a shelter where the pretty nurse is selling poppies from a tray, the fireman station, the barbers etc. Standing at the gate to Strawberry Fields was also pretty special. John Lennon’s house has one of those UK heritage blue plaques – because he has been dead 20 years or more. I didn’t realise that the person had to be dead for a house to get a plaque. George Harrison has another ten years to go before his childhood home, 12 Arnold Grove,  gets a plaque.

Ringo Starr's birthplace/home 9 Madryn Street. The pinky one in front of the wheelie bin! 

George Harrison's childhood home, 12 Arnold Grove

The church hall where Paul and John met!

Paul's place, 20 Forthlyn Road. His bedroom was above the front door.

John's place...

Ahhhh! That's me! On Penny Lane!

The shelter on the roundabout!
The Firestation!

Strawberry Fields :) See the guitar behind the gate?

After the tour and becoming much better informed on the lives of the Beatles in Liverpool, Geoff wanted to take me on the Mersey Ferry – you know; so I could ‘Ferry ‘cross the Mersey’. It was freezing cold, but there were fabulous views of the city skyline, the three graces. From left to right, they are the Royal Liver Building, complete with the Liver birds on top. The female one is looking out to sea, hoping for her love to come home from sea. The male on the other hand is looking inland… for the pub – or so the legend goes! The middle building of the three is the Cunard Building, and the other is the former offices of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board. They really do look stunning when you can get a decent view of them – which the Mersey most definitely offers.

Geoff and I, Ferrying 'cross the Mersey :) - Note my *very* cool badge! 
I LOVE the sky in this pic!
The female Liver bird :)

That's me - and the three Grace's in the background!

Down by the Docks there is a Superlambanana. Yes. You read correctly. A super-lamb-banana. It was originally commissioned for an art exhibition in 1998 – and was quite controversial at the time. It was created to warn the dangers of genetically modified food, whilst also being appropriate to the city of Liverpool due to the port’s history in the trade of lambs, and the import of bananas – so quite clever really! I think he is quite cute!

Superlambanana YEAH!

Cool stairs eh!

After our ferry ride (complete with listening to the Gerry and the Pacemakers song from beginning to end!) we decided the day was done and found our way back to the carpark. The streets, which were so quiet when we arrived in the morning, were now seething with people – and there was live music all around which was fantastic. The rubbish, however, was not! I don’t think that the council considered how many people would be drinking in the street – there definitely needed to be more frequent rubbish bins. Someone had their job cut out for them, that’s for sure!

Look at all the people!! Literally a SEA of people! An Octopus' Garden, even hehehehe

I had a fantastic time getting to know Brenda and Geoff – and they most definitely spoiled me the whole time I was there, and Geoff made an outstanding tour guide (and chaperone!) I really have been so blessed with everywhere and with everyone I have stayed with on this epic tour of the UK. I’m looking forward to my time in Blackpool with Neil and Pam… oooh just you wait for that blog!

Cheery bye :)


  1. Amazing shots! I visited Liverpool a couple of months back. Loved every bit of my stay there. I have the same pictures realted to The Beatles like the ones that you have :)

  2. Amazing shots! I visited Liverpool a couple of months back. Loved every bit of my stay there. I have the same pictures realted to The Beatles like the ones that you have :)
