Saturday, January 1, 2011

London: The first week

And what a week it has been. Everything is different, and our bodies are saying "What the??!?!!!".
BUT: Oh the things to see and do here that are not on offer in Auckland. This is why we are here. This is why I am here...

We met up with some friends of Bryce's on Wednesday evening and they took us to Hyde Park to the annual "Winter Wonderland", which is much like the Easter Show, but better (sorry Devin). Everything is on a HUGE scale, the make shift roller coasters were mind blowing (from the ground, don't be silly, I didn't go on it) and the lights and entertainment and the FOOD was amazing. I believe it is a German theme park, as all the food was German themed... we ate German Sausages, Pretzels and drank hot apple cider... amazing.

I have to say this was the most amusing food I saw... I would *hate* to the 'other' daughter who was not the 'best one...' And the spelling error; BLESS!

We tried on some of the local fashion headwear, but decided that the styles were not quite 'us'.

Up close and personal with Santy Claus.
Oh Em Gee I look like my mother here...eeep!

All in all it was an excellent night, finished with a glass of pinot gris at a cheap pub, in true English style. I think it cost me £2.20 for the glass, so about the same for a cheap glass as NZ. 

Being Bryce had not seen a professional musical before, we decided it was high time that we did so. We tried for Phantom but tickets were sold out until after New Year, so settled on "Priscilla Queen of the Desert" at the Palace Theatre. Our tickets cost £21.50 and were obviously seated high up in "The Gods" as we call it. I was bouncing with excitement at finally seeing a show, but managed to buy another coat (yes, another woo hoo) before going to the theatre. Thank you TK Max! When we went into the theatre and tried to get to our seats, the stairs were blocked off, and a steward boy who was selling sweets walked up to us and said "Oh, I'm ever so sorry, but we have closed the balcony today... someone should have told you..." I was thinking, OK, so what does that mean? And he said; "You have been upgraded to the circle, so sorry for the inconvenience."

Sorry for the inconvenience of paying peanuts for seats and sitting with the people who paid more like £50 pounds?! Haha! AMAZING seats, second row of the circle. I was blown away at how much detail I could see in the costumes, and what a stunning show. I loved it all over again (saw it in Auckland) and was incredibly impressed with the clean and complicated looking choreography which I don't remember being quite that impressive in Auckland. A highlight was when Alf Stewart from the Australian TV Show "Home and Away" strutted on... "Strewth, ya flamin' mongrels!". Amazing. Bryce was very funny throughout at the theatre magic "How did they do that?" etc, and he was blown away that this is the people in the shows actual job... how I would love for it to be my job!!!!!

So Bryce and I have walked A LOT of London now... it is a BIG place. There are LOADS of people and most people on the street are grumpy. But I maintain to make eye contact and smile at strangers... I have to say, about 1 in 10 will smile back... not too bad I guess!

We set up our Barclays bank accounts yesterday, and then went on a trial run to my school which I start at on Tuesday the 4th. It is called Townsend Primary, and I have found a relatively direct route which means I catch one train and one bus to get there... from where we are staying in South Ealing it is a one hour journey (argh!) but from Clapham Common (where we are hoping to live) it is only 30 minutes... bring that on! 

New Years eve was last night. We went down to Parliament Square and arrived at about 10.30pm... nothing much was happening but the crowds were coming in thick and fast, so Bryce and I decided to go and get something to drink, which meant leaving the square. Big mistake, oops! We couldn't get back in again darn it! So, we ended up standing a bit further away from Parliament Square but still on the river Thames edge. 

The fireworks were quite spectacular... and went on for what seemed like an age! Someone let off some Champagne and it showered down on us... that was exciting. A stranger did NOT kiss me (thank god, as most the strangers around us were toasted... and smelt bad...) and we started to make our way home. The usual 40 minutes MAX trip took us two and a half hours. I have never in my life seen so many people jammed into one place, the people on the tubes looked like sardines, strangers hugging strangers to stay upright on the train... you name it, we saw it. The most AMAZING thing I thought, was that there were apparently 250,000 people in Central London last night, and I kid you not - we sat across from the very same two men on the way into town, as we did on the way home. What are the odds in that happening? I couldn't believe it. So much so, I made Bryce take their photo. Without them knowing of course haha! Bryce was 'pretending' to show me his photos from the night, whilst sneakily taking their photo... 

And today is New Years Day. I had a small sleep in, called Mum on Skype to wish the fam Happy New Year, and then ambled on downstairs after showering and dressing. I have since been sitting in the kitchen (which is the living area here... it is the wamest!) and have done much of nothing. For the first time since arriving... heheh.

Anyway.... that's all for now. I think I have bored you all enough!
Cheery Bye :)

1 comment:

  1. Had to laugh when you said you'd been smiling at people in the street. Most of them will be thinking you're on a day trip out from the Funny Farm!!!!!!

    Not boring at all Sarah. It's lovely to hear how you are getting on. Keep it coming hun. Good luck with the new job. Lots of love xxx
