Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My mid-week theatre adventure!

So my adventure all the way out to Bromley to see "Jekyll and Hyde" began after school on Wednesday. I had already done a journey plan so I knew which buses and trains I needed to catch, so in theory I was all sorted. What I didn't count on was the bus service I needed to not be running due to a "technical fault". Sarah-iously! Gotta love London!! So I planned my journey over again, and using my handy paper tube map worked out which trains I needed to catch. The journey was to be a total of 53 minutes. Whew. 

I made it to Victoria station (if you've not been, it is HUGE) and worked out the train I needed. Once I was on the train and it was ready to go, a voice came over saying that at station "such and such" the train would divert two ways and if you were headed for Ramsgate you needed to be on the front six carriages. Well I had no idea which carriage I was on. I searched for a number but couldn't see one and in the end, I had to do the unthinkable. I had to ask someone. One of the worst things you can do in London! 

I looked for a friendly face. A young girl said "I dunno". So I- thanked her anyway and moved on. I was standing nearby to a man reading the Evening Standard and asked him- he looked at me like I had just peed down my leg and then grunted "this is five". So I was all good. 

I made it to Bromley Station and went to the Vodafone shop to organise going on contract- much cheaper than pay as you go (English-speak for Pre pay!) and organised all that. I was promised my phone would reconnect after half an hour. That was four hours ago. I am in Bromley- over an hour from home, and I am without a phone. Omg. If I get lost of run into trouble... I am screwed. And not in a good way!!! Here's hoping Victoria station is still open after the show. 

I searched for a place to eat, and the best I could do was BK, where a Russian guy called Sergei (surprise, surprise) served me. He asked if I was Australian. Honestly. He then proceeded to be rather chatty and told me about his life. He has a degree in town planning but could only get a job at BK etc... He was really interested in the fact I was from
NZ... But I was pleased when my burger was ready. So I "enjoyed" my own company before the show for two hours at BK. I say "enjoyed" because it is not really that enjoyable.... It's lonely as! Hence typing some blog haha!
I was pleased when the show was due to start and settled into my seat.

Theatre review: The guy playing Jekyll & Hyde is good but winds up to his top notes which is annoying. He is fab as Hyde and not so as Jekyll. His rendition of the song "I need to know..." I have heard Bevan sing (whilst mildly intoxicated) and he sung it better. Both leading ladies were stunning although I was disappointed with "Someone like you" as she articulated it weirdly. The company were awesome- diction fabulous- I could hear everything. Choreography all perfectly timed to what was happening in the music, heads snapping in all directions in time to the score etc. Very clean. 

The set was simple but very well done. So many flats coming down from the ceiling- seamless set changing which sounded motorised but excellent all the same. My favourite flats were the laboratory which had a huge window of glass which they projected night sky and clouds onto, and had shelves and shelves of medicine bottles which looked impressive. My other favourite was a book case that came down, simply because it was so impressive.  The props were minimal but not necessary. The music? Stunning. How I would *love* to play the flute/piccolo/clarinet score. Note to anyone listening: Please do this show in 2012 because I'd like to play for you! Haha. My ears are pretty tuned into the instruments I play- not surprising. I love the flute part and dare I say- the piccolo part is awesome. But the flute totally dominates the score. Yussss!!! 

So the show was excellent and well worth the hours travel. I got to Bromley South Station just in time for the 10.20pm train to London/Victoria, to hear a loud speaker saying it was cancelled. OMG! Panic set in for about a minute before I read there was another one in ten minutes time. I am on the train now and on my way back to town. It will take me an hour- but it was totally worth it... I miss my theatre buddies. It's not the same going to the theatre alone and having nobody to share it with. 

Hope you enjoyed my exciting mid-week adventure!!

Cheery bye :)

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