Saturday, January 29, 2011

Off to see the Queen and Camden Markets

Oooops this is from *last* weekend... but never mind. Here is the weekend of the 22nd-23rd January :)

Whew! What a busy weekend this has been! On Saturday Bryce and I decided it was high-time that we went and did the real touristy thing and went to visit the Queen. I went and saw Buckingham Palace in 2007 so knew where to go and what to look out for - and even remembered some interesting points I could share with Bryce that I remembered from a Bus Tour way back when! We watched the guards do their fancy little walk up and down- and took a bunch of photos. We then walked around the whole perimeter of the brick wall to the Palace. I was keeping my eye out for William but he was nowhere to be seen. Probably trying different wedding cake flavours out somewhere or something. I set a challenge for the day that Bryce and I could only spend a total of £20 for the whole day on food (we were out from 12pm until late into the evening) including drinks and snacks. I am proud to say that I managed to only spend £19.40 and Bryce failed the challenge as he spent £22.50. I win.

 I love this photo!

We got home quite late after a long day and a lot of walking, taking photos and sight-seeing, and now feel we have done the touristy thing and seen the Palace, Big Ben etc. 

On Sunday we ventured out to the Camden Markets. Another place I've been before but it is always different. We ate from the food stalls there and pored over the interesting, antique and down-right random things on display to purchase. Bryce got himself a leather "man bag" and was STOKED it only cost £28. We thought how awesome it would be if vintage goods came with a history card; who has owned something before, what they did for a job etc. How interesting it would make buying vintage!! Or is this just because I am nosy??

The market called "The Stables" was my favourite part of the whole market. Such interesting things on sale - loads of antiques. Perfect condition old Singer Sewing machines for just £30- amazing. Antique/Vintage Starwars toys... I most certainly thought of my brothers but to b be honest I wouldn't know what is worth buying! There was a vintage toy store in the corner of the market, and at one point (when Bryce and I were in a fur shop *shudder* and he was stroking the furs) we saw a large man in a red suit raise a trumpet to his lips and start to blow a fanfare tune. Once he had everyones attention he told everyone about the toys on offer today- and this form of advertising worked because people started flocking!! 

There are huge bronze horses everywhere at The Stables Market - amazing!

 Tempting... LOL!

I managed to find a couple of over-dresses for school from the market and some cool postcards which are winging their way to various places in NZ as I write this (on the train...again!!)

Tonight I thought I'd make the desert- it's what I do best after all. I thought apple crumble might be nice, thanks Dad for showing me how to make the best crumble in the world. Ever.

Just four more days of one hour travel (fingers crossed, please!!!!) and then we will be in our flat! 28 sleeps til Paris. And Euro Disney. Hoorah!!!

Until next time.....

Cheery bye :)

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