Thursday, March 10, 2011

Extraordinarily Epic Excursions in London Town

Last weekend was AMAZING. It was the first weekend I felt like, actually, London could be OK. People have told me this before, and I would always think; yeah, yeah- but they were right. Once you meet people, it really is OK!!

I was in touch with the amazing Zoe Hooper, who basically opened her weekend of diaried events and invited me to all of them. The first event was dinner in Nottinghill with some of her friends. Dinner and wine was amazing, and by 11pm both Zoe and I were quite tired... so decided to go back to hers in Queens Park for cups of tea and DVDs. Excellent idea. I ended up staying the night, and had the *best* sleep ever (in her absent flatmates bed!). I woke in the morning, and went home to shower, change and meet up again for more adventures. Saturday evening was a fundraiser for the Australian Football League that someone she knew was putting on. It was an optional fancy dress 'red, white or blue' theme, so I needed an outfit and fast. We missioned it into Primark and I managed to find everything I needed for a sailor-type outfit. Primark (like Farmers I guess) even sold sailor tops. With the flap backs and everything, and only £8! I got my whole costume for under £20!!!

We then rushed to The National History Museum to see the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition. This was my first time at the museum, and I had heard it was amazing, but I was not expecting how amazing it really was. I was literally blown away. What a beautiful building, amazing exhibits and such a wicked taxidermic animal section. I am keen to go back as I have certainly not seen enough of it. What a great museum for schools.

Hehehe. I liked these three... especially Harry the Hippopotamus! 
I love his expression... and his funny bucked teeth haha!
Stunning museum entrance... imagine getting married here!!

The Photography Exhibition was stunning, and I certainly had some favourite images, including:

After the museum it was time to head back to Zoe's and get ready for another evening of fun. It was so much fun getting all dressed up, Zoe is quite the hair and makeup artist and did an awesome job on me. It was great getting to meet her flatmate Tania, who is originally from Sydney, and Tania's work mate Ben and his partner James. I had such a wicked night and can only but thank Zoe for making it all possible! We discovered we have a ridiculous amount in common too - even something as random as both liking Tinkerbell. And here are some shots from the evening...

Don't hate us because we're beautiful. Zoe's costume was AMAZING! Beautiful dove!

Zoe and I 
Hey, hey, Sailor girl....
Zoe and Tania's ridiculously good looking and awesome friends, Ben and James. Oh yes - Ben is wearing an 'Eats Shoots and Leaves T-Shirt, AMAZING!
L-R: James, Tania, Myself and Zoe

On Sunday morning Zoe and I met up with two of her other friends at "The Breakfast Club" in Angel, where we had to cue for about half an hour to get in. It was quite amazing though, so totally worth it. All in all an awesome weekend, definitely looking forward to more adventures with Zoe :)

Cheery bye :)

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