Thursday, March 10, 2011

Times are a changin'

But it's all good :) I am guessing by now everyone knows I have a new flatmate as Bryce had to unexpectedly travel back to NZ. It was by pure luck that Cameron Kennedy had just arrived back in London and was couch surfing, so able to move right on in! Being his room is so small, (and more of a cupboard than a room....) I feel I should start calling him Harry. Seriously though, Cameron made my LIFE! Even if it is not for long, it gives me a chance to find my feet by myself in London Town.

All these people who keep telling me how strong I am, might just be right, and all the texts, emails and private messages with words of encouragement have really been appreciated. Those people know who they are!

After my epic weekend last week I have had a relatively quiet week. School seems to be going well - as I am resigning to the fact that I cannot change the world, and I just need to put my head down and do what I need to do each week. And that means, get through each week haha! I mostly live for Thursdays, as I do one-on-one writing tuiton and that feels like the only time that I feel I am really teaching something. I have also found a passion for teaching writing - which is interesting being I have never really been all that passionate about it! WIN! A bonus to return to MBIS with!

On Monday at assembly, two groups in my Year 6 music class performed a body percussion composition. They even added a tonne of choreography (which they had made up during lunchtimes the previous week to surprise me with!) so it was really nice to sit in the audience and see the utter joy on their faces that they had something amazing to share with the rest of the school. It was also awesome because it meant that the other teachers could see for themselves that I have been doing something with these kids! Being I only get 30 minutes with them each week, it really is quite an achievement.

I have started introducing the concept of STOMP, and the kids are now in groups and beginning to brainstorm themes and work out what objects they wish to use to make music with. It is all very exciting. How I wish I could take them to see STOMP on the West End... but sadly these families haven't the money for excursions like that.

I have just finished an art unit to do with 'Journeys' with my Year 4 class who I am with for three hours a  week. They did such a magic job and they all turned out really well. The kids seemed quite blown away that I wrote feedback and feed forward for each other (feedback forms, of course!) and the teachers even more so. I think the teachers were concerned it might have taken me weeks... but no, just a couple of hours. I was really pleased with the end result and they look great displayed in the classroom. I am starting a new art unit on Propaganda Posters next week... and currently making my own poster so I can show them the expectation. It is looking really cool.

I think I have worked my way to being 'just another teacher' in the school, and the kids are trying it on much less with me. I get multiple hugs every week from kids who are three right up to the ten year olds. It seems to be the norm here, they are a hugging school! It is nice though. They give me compliments like there's no tomorrow and leave messages on the whiteboards in classrooms saying that I am their favourite. The best message I have seen so far is the one that reads:

"I love Miss Herbert and think she is the best teacher because she knows how to dress, is pretty, makes us laugh and knows what she's doing."

Bless, right?! Especially the 'knows what she's doing' part!! A few of the kids have asked when I am going back to NZ, because they'd like me to stay. It is nice to feel I belong now I think, and I am starting to feel more comfortable and relaxed with the staff too. I have my favourite staff members of course, especially Lily who is in her late 50s with the thickest Irish accent and is SO my favourite. She is just so genuine. I'll miss her when I go.

I have another busy weekend lined up - Lunch with some girls in Chelsea (Zoe and Tania's friends - yay more new people!) and then a St. Patrick's Day event on the Sunday where I will get to meet Cameron's London friends. Bonus - Cameron's friend Tracey is a teacher, and naturally she has a lot of teacher friends, so that is quite exciting.

Anyway, not much else to tell... how boring this post photos or anything :(

Cheery bye :)

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