Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Lovely lineage in the Lakes District

I was relieved to be leaving Glasgow, Scotland, on the train bound for Carlisle, England. It was a Virgin train, nice and flash - with free wi-fi! It was only just over an hour and I arrived on the platform in Carlisle, where Neil and Pam came to collect me. Neil is distantly related to me - basically his side of the family comes in on my paternal Great Grandmothers side - who was a Sanderson. Apparently Neil's father had a look of my Grandfather, Herbie. We spent some time walking around Carlisle, which is where David, Rene, Alasdair, Grant and I came and stopped off on our way to Scotland back in 2007 - so I was a little familiar, mainly with the Castle. That evening, Neil drove Pam and I around the town - down to Workington Shore where we could just make out the shores of Scotland in the distance. It is still a novelty for me to be able to stand on a beach, look across and *see* another country in the distance! We watched a beautiful sunset and then headed back to their place for me to get settled in. My room is fit for a Princess - and bed?! To die for! I have been sleeping on some interesting surfaces of late, so a proper bed and bedroom has been wonderful!

Neil and I  - Carlisle Castle in the background 
Beautiful sunset view from Workington Harbour

Love this photo - Neil and Pam x 
As it got darker we ventured back into town (a difficult 5 minute trek....) and popped into one of the local pubs, The Commercial Inn, which is where they go every Friday night. On walking inside, it was evident that it was just us and one other customer in, but being a Sunday night this made sense. We had a drink each, which turned into two, three, four, five, six... by which time my stomach was too full for any more... but I got talked into (asked) to have a Mezcal. The barman, Andrew (who owns the pub) asked if I would like it "The traditional way" and thinking this was the tequila slammer way, said yes. Next thing I knew he had a jar of worms and was fishing one out of the jar with some ice tongs!! I felt a little queasy about the idea of swallowing a worm, but agreed to do it, if Andrew would do it too - which he was happy to do! Well - that worm got in my belly - I felt it on my tongue but it was gone before I had too much to think about. After that entertainment was over - we needed some more. Neil and Pam were such bad influences!

Andrew (the owner of the pub) and I - look closely you can see a worm!

I LOVE Pam's face in this shot! 
Ooh aye, an olde English Pub

Bacardi are doing a promotion over here where you get a free pack of connectable straws with a drink - which you can create a 'super straw' from. I decided it would be much more fun to create some drinking goggles... so I set about constructing some glasses - ably assisted by Pam and sometimes Andrew. The result was awesome - and they worked! It also provided over an hour of laughs and entertainment!

My super connectable Bacardi straw glasses WORK!

Extreme happiness - thanks for the entertainment Bacardi!

We finally decided that it was time to leave and staggered back up the hill to home, where I slept like a LOG. I think that was due to how tired I was, and how comfortable the bed was! AMAZING.
The next morning Neil drove around the lakes district - and round trip of 102 miles! (about 165km)
They thought that I might be a little bored with this trip, but in all honesty it was so stunningly beautiful and so different to all the regular sights I have been seeing (Castles and Cathedrals!) that I really enjoyed the quiet drive around the winding lanes - so narrow that often two cars could not fit width-ways!

Sheep at Crummock Water

Lucky shot!


Incredible reflections on the water, Buttermere

Unbelievable reflections on the water, Buttermere. Beautiful!

Me on my rock - Honister Pass

Pam and I, Honister Pass

Mountain water run-off...mmmm!

Typical ice-cream shot.... at Thirlmere!
Pam and Neil had decided earlier to surprise me with our end location, which was Windermere, where the Beatrix Potter Attraction is based. It was so good, I loved it! It is something I wish I could have seen as a child when I was reading the books - the books just come alive. In fact all of the displays of the different characters are scenes from the books, so as I walked around I knew which stories the scenes came from - it was a really well put together attraction, and for someone like me who is familiar with the stories it was even better, and such a lovely surprise! Even Neil enjoyed it, and he has not read the books.


Nawww! Mrs. Tiggywinkle

Mr. McGregor meets Mr. Sanderson

Yesterday we went into Cockermouth (I can hear the sniggers from here...) and had a look around the town. Cockermouth was where the floods really hit 19-20 November, 2009. It was insane to look at photos from the floods and see that the water level rose to above my head!

The flood water level was OVER my head!

We went into William Wordsworth's house, who, as I learnt yesterday, was a major English poet. I am a little embarrassed to say that as a teacher I hadn't heard of him... but it has to be said that I am not an avid poetry reader. It was interesting, however, to see his house, where he lived and wrote, was really interesting. The size of the house was incredible, especially for the time. It was nice to go inside the working kitchen and smell the aroma of fresh baking!! Pam, Neil and I even had a go at writing with a feather quill... not easy at all to do so neatly! The biggest highlight for me was when I entered the drawing room and a man who worked there asked if I could play the Harpsichord. I said no - sadly not, thinking he was just asking, and the next thing I knew he opened up the Harpsichord and said 'take a seat' - so I jumped at the chance and played the only thing I know how to play well... a short Mozart piece which right now the name escapes me!

Having a go at writing with a feather quill

LOVED this, but wished I could play something better :( Got a flute, anyone??
Last night we popped back to "The Commercial Pub" and gave Andrew some of the photos from the other night. It was busier than it was the last time, but still just as fun! The best part? Andrew saved my booze goggles for me... so we experimented with different coloured drinks to see what they looked like going through the goggles... we had a fair few laughs whilst we were at it! I finished with some green fairy in sight! Once again a fun night was had by all, we came back home and watched a movie before bed.

Who is that mad-man in the background?? And *where* did all those glasses come from??

I do need to mention that having spent five days alone in Scotland, I was snacking, more than eating. It was a 'if I'm hungry, I'll get a snack' scenario - but this was all to change once I came to the Sanderson's. Oh my. Much like when I was in Portsmouth, I am being thoroughly spoiled on the food front! I can still fit into my jeans... just! This is the best hotel I have ever stayed in - I think they are secretly loving spoiling me to pieces - and they're doing a wonderful job! Mum - Neil and Pam LOVE their food - you would love it here :) Today we are having a quiet, stay-at-home day. This was really welcomed as I have done so much rushing about, and wanted to catch up on my blog and photo uploading.

I have really enjoyed getting to know Neil and Pam these past few days. I had met them once before but only very briefly, so these past few days has been magic. They've got the loveliest relationship, and they are really easy-going and have looked after me so well, which is always nice when you're so far from home! I have enjoyed their company so much... that I am coming back up to Carlisle in the first week of September and they are taking me to Blackpool- watch this space for an epic blog then!!

Tomorrow I am off to Anne Nellist's parents in St. Helen's, Lancashire which I'm looking forward to. I have hugs to pass on from Anne, and more things to see and do. I am just so, so lucky with all the things I have seen and done this year.

Until next time,
Cheery bye :)

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