Monday, August 8, 2011

Bella Italia!

On Monday the 1st of August I left the flat on Claverdale Road for the last time living in it. I made my way at midday to Paddington Station where I was to catch the train to Tiverton, being collected by Fran (first cousin, once removed- thanks Rob!) at the other end. The train journey was pleasant, and I passed the time by watching a documentary on my laptop called "Food Inc". I wondered if this was the best choice as tears sprang from my eyes and a tiny "awwww" squeaked from my throat when some baby chicks were being killed, but a very good documentary all the same. 

On arrival in Tiverton, Fran and Maria were there, ready and waiting. We enjoyed a pleasant evening at Fran and David's- cousin Claire being there too, before retiring for the night. We were up and rearing to go the following morning for our mini road trip from Devon to Bristol to catch a 12:15pm flight... Destination: Roma!! 

We expected it to be hot on arrival into Rome, and it was. Gloriously so! We all had jandals at the ready to put on, found our rental car (a Mercedes Station wagon) and ventured out of the airport with the help of someone called Tom. TomTom. Haha! Thank goodness for in-car GPS! We found our way to the hotel, which turned out to be just a 15 minute walk to the Colosseum! The streets of Rome are as manic as i remember, cars and 2 wheelers everywhere, little signaling and seemingly no lanes to drive in- it seems a free for all! 

The arch of Constantine

I love the colours in this photo! 

The hotel was fantastic- and better still I was really spoilt with my own room. We briefly had a rest then met up for a walk in search of dinner. We found the Colosseum easily enough (pretty difficult to miss I'd imagine) and walked the circumference- something I didn't do the last time I was there. I was still impressed at the sheer size and architecture of a structure that is so old- it's just incredible and something everyone should see at least once in their lifetime! We ended up at an Italian restaurant for dinner where we enjoyed two types of pasta and wine, fantastic. After a day of traveling and wandering the streets of the city centre, we decided to head back to the hotel and get some shut eye. 

On Wednesday morning we woke early, had breakfast and got a taxi to St. Peter's Square. This taxi ride was an adventure in itself as the driver wound in and out of other cars and two wheelers, pumping the accelerator as he drove... As in he would put his foot down and then release it until it has slowed too much, then pumped it some more. And then came the brakes- who do I thank for the invention of ABS?! We made it in one piece, clearly the driver was skilled at driving in his city. 

Inside the Vatican

We arrived at St Peter's square and Fran and David went for a wander, as Claire and I joined a group tour of the Vatican Museum, which meant we could beat the queues and gain some knowledge along the way. We had thought the man who approached us about the tour had said €20 each- only to later find out that it was €40 each and between Claire and I, we were short €30 (including a €20 deposit!) so my first adventure of the day was to locate an ATM! I managed this ok, we paid, and we joined the tour. It was well worth it to beat the monstrous queues that probably began forming hours before.

Clair, David and Fran in St. Peter's Square

Me in St. Peter's Square (It was SO hot!)

I was so pleased to have the opportunity to see the Vatican Museum and the Sistine Chapel, as these were two things I missed out on last time. The Vatican museum is really something. So impressive and so ornate. Some of the ceiling frescoes were in 3D - but most were 2D but painted to *look* 3D. Even upon studying the ceiling carefully it was hard to see it was really only 2D. The gallery of tapestries was incredible, although I felt rushed by the pace of our tour guide at times. The tapestry of Jesus whose eyes follow you as you walk past was creepy. The gallery of maps was incredible too- and the length of the galleries one end to another... Wow. There were hundreds of people packed in there, but had it have been empty it would be awesome fun to roller blade one end to the other! On our way down to the Sistine Chapel we got the chance to peep through the Pope's quarters keyhole in this huge, heavy wooden door. Claire enjoyed peeping on the Pope- and when I did I was lucky enough to see a Swiss Guard walk by! I did take a look at the photo I took of the keyhole later, and noticed the key marks to the right of the keyhole. I think these were put there after a night on the wine from church...You know, the key just wouldn't go into the keyhole! That Pope. I bet he knows how to party ;P

Clair peeping on the Pope

Hmmm... suspicious markings to the right of the keyhole...

On entering the Sistine Chapel, having already had the paintings explained to us outside, it just took my breath away. The personal sacrifice that Michaelangelo suffered when painting the frescoes is astonishing. His back vertebrae are said to have fused together throughout the course of painting as he was basically bent over backwards for four years- painting 1,100m squared of the ceiling. The last judgement was the most interesting of the paintings- depicting the second coming of Christ and the Apocalypse.

Inside St. Peter's Basilica
There was an error in his paintings... Adam was painted with something he shouldn't have been painted with. A navel. Prize to anyone who knows why this is not quite correct... But it seems this was painted on purpose. Could this have been Michaelangelo's sense of humour- thinking Pope Julius would be too thick to notice? I just think it was all really interesting - how all the patron saints have been depicted. A real impressive work of art. 

Impressive works of art much???!!!!

I was really pleased to have had the opportunity to see a few things I missed last time- and heck; when I come to Rome again (notice I said when and not if?!) then I just know here will be even more things to see! How spoilt I feel to have already been to Rome twice. 

In the early afternoon we drove for 2.5 hours from Rome to Pineto... A small seaside village resort on the Adriatic coast.... and oh! What a place!! Just wait until I blog about it...

Cheery bye :)

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