Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Abbey Road and acting 28, looking 22!!!

On Saturday I met up with Cristie at Camden markets as she had not been before. Even though I had been, I saw so much more the second time!! Always more nooks and crannies to poke around in. I got some really amazing spiral earrings. We had a photo with the Town Crier, so very cool. He is good on that trumpet too!

We grabbed a hot chocolate from Pret (omg LOVE!!) and then ventured to Abbey Road... Home of Abbey Road Studios, only one of the most famous recording studios in the world!! Probably better known as where the Beatles recorded. Amazing. I'd been before, but it has to be said that this time was so much better because Cristie was as excited about it as I was! She was literally bouncing around screaming! AMAZING! We hung around the studios, snuck behind the gates and took photos (Cristie got so much closer, almost on the steps!) and stopped traffic (literally) on the famous pedestrian crossing. So very cool. 

Oh yes... it's Abbey Road. 

How's my amazing stride looking?

We then managed to get on the right bus but the wrong direction and it took us forever get back to Oxford Circus. An awesome day though so we were happy. 

School news. One to one writing help is going really well- it's my favourite part of the day! Today I was relieving in year 3 and a student came up to me to tell me that another boy had spat on his back. It reminded me of how yesterday I was minding my own business walking along New Kent Road and this huge black guy (who might have had turrets?) was shouting out expletives etc and was quite scary. I made eye contact with the footpath and kept walking. He then spat on the back of jacket. Disgusting. If he wasn't so scary and big I would have said something. I was unimpressed to say the least. London. 

Anyway, so this student comes up to me this morning and says "Michael spat on my back" so I called Michael over. I asked him if this was true. He looked me dead in the eye and said 
"I think you look like a man, Miss." 
I was like; "Whhaaaat? Excuse me?" He repeated himself. What the?! So I sent him to the Head teacher. She asked him to write me a letter of apology, which he handed to me and tried to walk away. I called him back and got him to at least read it to me. Hahah. Hmmmm... a man. Here's his letter. LOL

I look like a man. That's different!

I was also talking to one of the Year 1 teachers. She was telling me about her life in a nutshell. She had been married 34 years and found out her husband had been cheating on her with someone half her age, so she left him. She was at that time a Head Teacher at a school in Tooting, and decided that she needed to reinvent herself, start again. So she went from being a Head Teacher, to a classroom teacher... a nobody I guess. As she was telling me about this I couldn't help but think how similar our situations were. She said; "So, what brings you to this cold depressing country then?" and so I thought, what the heck. I explained that my marriage only lasted a year, and I decided I needed a complete change of scenery, and left a great position of responsibility at my previous school etc. She was looking at me so strangely. She then said, "But aren't you an NQT?? (Newly qualified teacher) You don't look old enough to have been married and have had all that responsibility" . I just smiled, and said "No...not really...". She thought I was 22!!! She couldn't believe I was 28... join the club. I wish I could be 22 again! It is really funny because all the teachers I have spoken to have thought that I was fresh out of uni and about 22-24 years old. None of them have seen me teach so thank goodness that's not why they think I am so young and newly qualified! Young face apparently. Lucky me!

It has been an exciting day... because I was running late to meet Bryce so ran into the lift down to the train at Elephant and Castle Station just as the doors were closing. It was jam packed, but I decided I was already running late and I could cope being sandwiched with all those people for 30 seconds. OMG. We got to the bottom and the doors only opened about 5cm wide. Everyone went really quiet. I had a knot in my stomach... not only was I stuck in a lift, but I was sandwiched in one with about 30 others! Thankfully it was less than 5 minutes before we were out. 

News on the flat is that we HAVE ONE!! Oh yes we do... I am so excited. It is about time I unpacked and felt less like I was just on holiday and more like I live here... It is in Lambeth still, about 15 minutes from the other place. The address is:

180a Lyham Road

I'll expect copious amounts of letters and packages. Haha. We might be moving Friday, but will definitely be in by Saturday. I really can't wait to feel half normal. And UNPACK! What a novelty!! The link to some photos of it is here: but you'll have to copy/paste this address I think. 

I am slowly (with my *very* limited three hours of music teaching a week) putting up displays of work the kids in my music classes are doing... it is starting to take shape! 

Anyway, I will leave you with some photos... until next time!

Cheery bye :)

This is a display the year 3's did today.  I didn't consider how that age don't use staplers, so it was interesting...
On each slip of paper it says ways that the instrument allocated makes sound... a good visual. Looks pretty. 

Year 6. What does music look like/feel like/sound like. My favourite one is:"Music feels like spending time with people you love". BLESS!

Information wall about what each year level is focusing on.

I have walked past this poster many times in the station and thought how much Simon Pegg looks like Bryce in this pic. Bahahaha! Someone agree with me, puhleeease!

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