Thursday, April 14, 2011

aMaZiNgLy MaGiCaL HM Royal Marines

Gosh!! Where do I begin? Tonight I went to the Royal Albert Hall (again... gloat) to see the Mount Batten Festival of Music - this is Her Majesty's Royal Marines. I was very excited... naturally!

I assumed that one hour to get from Brixton to South Kensington station would be ample; being that the train ride itself is only 20 minutes. I forgot to factor in the typical and monotonus "Good evening. There are currently severe delays on the Circle and District lines due to a fault in the line. Passengers are advised to find an alternative wherever possible." By the time you actually *hear* this message, you're already so far underground it is easier to just be patient. Some Londoner's practice this concept of patience better than others, of course. 

So I arrived at South Kensington station about 7:20pm- for a concert that was due to commence at 7:30pm. Bugger. I high-tailed it through the tunnel to get closer to the Royal Albert and managed to almost ass over in my heeled boots...a chip (not a crisp, a chip) was under my heel- I reckon I probably looked like something out of the Matrix with the uber cool backwards twisty move I did- it didn't feel all that nice on my back, mind you!! I continued missioning it to the Albert and picked up my ticket at 7:27pm. Eek! I was about to become one of those audience members I can't stand! 

The woman at the door asked if I had a camera and I panicked, thinking she would confiscate it. Those who know me well, know that I *always* have my camera in my handbag! (even when in NZ!). But no - she said photos are allowed, but please no flash. BONUS!
I rushed in through the double doors and was met by a bunch of cute drummer boys who I literally had to squeeze through to get to the other side. Lucky me!! I thought about perhaps trying my luck after the concert and waiting by the stage door. Haha.

Luckily the people I was sitting between had a sense of humour! My seat was at the top of some stairs in the Circle (the Gods... but in saying that I had an awesome overall view!) at the front with a railing across the front (ace seating!). I said to them that I was always quite good at hurdles at school, but in jeans and boots it might be tricky to get my leg over. They laughed. Haha. Awesome - I broke the ice...

So the concert began, and what a concert it was! It was just amazing. After "God Save the Queen" they played the theme from "Batman"- I quite liked the Bat-light shining on the roof. 

Batman! We need you!

They had a Michael Buble bracket where they performed "Lost", "Cry me a River" and a couple of others. They must have known I was going or something. Great arrangement by one of the Bandsmen. The bandsman who sang "Cry me a River" was trying really hard to move and act and sing like Buble... there is no fooling me though! I LOVED the drummers- how they can be so in sync- I will never know! A LOT of practice I imagine.  I had a great view as was looking down at the stage. It was really impressive. 

They played a bracket of Andrew Lloyd Webber, including some hits from "Jesus Christ Superstar" which made me think of a few people back home :)

I shed a tear for Mum at the end when they played "A Life on the Ocean Waves", and it was an excellent piece to finish with. The woman next to me had tutted every time I turned my camera on... I don't think I was excessive. She made more fuss about it than what I was doing!  More about her later...

Everything about this band is impressive. Really!

The Royal Albert Hall truly is a *stunning* venue!!

Mmmmmusicians in uniform... LIKE!!!

After the grand finale, they invited a girl in a black dress and a guy plating classical guitar to the stage. They played the most RANDOM piece if music, the girl sang loads of notes but no actual words. It was the strangest thing to end with I thought... Is it not best to go out on a high with something memorable?! A number of people got up and left... which to me is bloody rude. Then - the tutting woman next to me got up and made a lot of fuss getting her things together and out of her seat, that I thought to myself "I hope you leave something behind..." And she did! I found her glove on the floor once the lights were up. That'll learn her!! Murphy got her in the end!

Anyway, all in all it was an awesome show - what a band to be proud of!! I wish Mum could have come with me, she would have loved it. I quite fancy one of these musicians in uniform...I'm thinking a brass player. The show is on tomorrow and Saturday... there is still time for me to hang about the stage door...  hehehe.

Only a few more sleeps until I go to Istanbul (not Constantinople). For some reason I had it in my head that I was going on Saturday. Fail!! I leave on TUESDAY the 19th. Haha. BUT... I am now officially all packed minus my toothbrush, hairbrush and makeup bag. Love it. 

I am finishing Cam's brothers 30th Birthday cake tomorrow... very exciting. There will be a blog with some process photos I think... or at least process photos on FB... watch this space!!

Take care, Cheery bye :)

Sent from Sarah's iPhone

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