Monday, April 18, 2011

Ticket to ride...

I thought, being I leave tomorrow, that I would post my itinerary for the next two weeks on here. I figure it is an easy place to find out where I am at on my trip, and what I am up to.

I am taking my mac with me, and it will be well looked after in the safes at the hotel. I hope so anyway. This is so that I can continue to blog during my time away and be uploading photos etc. It saves me a mountain of organisation when I return home, and gives me something to do in the down time.

So here goes... I've got a ticket to ride!!

Pre-Tour 19th - 22nd April - Istanbul
Tuesday 19th April I leave London Heathrow at 11:25 London time and I will arrive in Istanbul, Turkey at 17:15 local time. I will be staying for the first three nights in a Hostel called Metropolis Hostel. Their website is here if you feel so inclined to have a look-see;  

I shall be enjoying views from my room such as this below. I know, right? Your heart *bleeds* for me! 

Basically, my plan for the first three days is to sight-see whatever I won't be sight-seeing on the tour - I imagine there are LOTS of ideas and info brochures at the hostel for me to peruse. I think I am keen to go to the Grand Bazaar... 4000 shops...I figure that might be of interest to me. And by *might* I of course mean *is*. I am also considering going to a Turkish bath... though not sure about getting naked while they massage me. I think you can opt for the underwear on version though. 

Day 1: Friday, 22 April - Istanbul
Welcome to Turkey and the start of my awesome ANZAC experience! I need to find my own merry way to the hotel where the tour group are staying, which is 4 stars. The website is here; 

The rest of this day I will be free to roam more of Istanbul, but in a slightly different area to where my hostel was. I am hoping I catch up with Mel Kenny and her fiancee Craig :) Perhaps we will find the Asian part of Istanbul. Just so we can stand on another continent. 

Day 2: Saturday 23 April (Brother Bryan's Birthday) - Istanbul old city
I will enjoy a guided tour of the old city - Sultanahmet, taking in the stunning Iznik tiled Blue Mosque, Hippodrome area, 6th century Hagia Sofia, underground cistern and more. This afternoon, I will spend a relaxing afternoon on a Bosphorus cruise. When the sun sets, I am going to dinner with belly dancers and entertainment at a great Istanbul venue. Should be fun!

Day 3: Sunday 24 April - Gallipoli
A very early departure from Istanbul to the WW1 battlefields on Gallipoli Peninsular. In the afternoon, I will enjoy a guided tour (subject to ANZAC Cove opening hours and traffic conditions, it all better be fine!) of the evocative war memorials that dot the region, for example; Lone Pine, Chunuk Bair, Johnston’s Jolly, the trenches and Kabatepe - the modest ANZAC museum. Early this evening, I will relax at my tour groups exclusive ANZAC Eve Turkish BBQ before later taking my place amongst the many at the Dawn Service site for the atmosphere charged ANZAC Eve vigil. I will be sleeping here on site. Actually, I am pretty sure I won't be sleeping. But that is where I will be for the night - what an experience! Again I am hoping I can hang with Mel and Craig. Always good to share the experience with people you know :)

Day 4: Monday 25 April - ANZAC Day - Gallipoli
First light heralds a poignant bugle call and commencement of the Dawn Service. After the service and armed with my map, I will have a chance to independently explore many of the trenches and memorial sites as I head up to Lone Pine or Chunuk Bair for the Australian or New Zealand National services. I am not sure if I will be able to attend both at this stage. Later this afternoon, we return to Istanbul with the tour group, where upon our late evening arrival, we check into our hotel for a well-earned rest after such an emotion-filled day. 

Day 5: Tuesday 26 April - Cairo
I need to check out by 12 noon, then make my own way to Cairo. My flight leaves Cairo at 10:25 so I will be out of the hotel quite early to be sure I am at the airport on time! I touch down in Cairo at 11:40 local time where my Egyptian adventure begins. Check into my hotel (which I am yet to know where it is, but it has been promised as a 5 star - which in all honesty probably costs peanuts). My itinerary doesn't state there is anything planned for this day when I arrive, so I will just have a look around I think. 

Day 6: Wednesday 27 April - Pyramids & Saqqara
Cairo - Aswan. I will visit to the famous pyramids and lion-headed Sphinx at Giza Plateau. Sole survivors from the ancient Greek-listed Seven Wonders of the World, the pyramids are the planet’s oldest tourist attraction! I will gaze in awe at Cheops (Khufu) - the largest of the three great pyramids. Constructed from over 2.5 million limestone blocks it is thought to have taken more than 20 years to construct. Continuing to Saqqara, I have the chance to explore the myriad tombs and temples at this site and see Zhoser’s step pyramid - constructed by Imhotep, the Pharaoh’s chief architect in 27BC! (AMAZING!) I will later enjoy a chance to freshen up (Gosh, thank goodness for that!) and then catch the overnight seater train to Aswan. Don't worry - I have my sleeping bag packed and I borrowed Cam's neck pillow. Should be interesting. 

Day 7: Thursday 28 April (Brother Chris' Birthday) - Aswan & Philae Temple
Aswan. I will arrive and check into my hotel with the tour group. A visit out of town takes our group to the mighty High Dam – a modern feat of engineering - creating the world’s largest artificial lake, Lake Nasser! This afternoon's highlight is a leisurely boat trip to Agilika Island for Philae Temple for a guided tour of the romantic Philae Temple - dedicated to the goddess Isis. (OoOoooOoo).  As the sun sets, we are given some free time to shop in the colourful souqs and markets or simply relax and watch an amazing sunset in Egypt's southern most town straddling the River Nile. Haven't decided what I will choose to do yet. I'm sure I can shop, and then relax though, right? Right?!  

Day 8: Friday 29 April (Helen Shirley's Birthday and the ROYAL wedding!) - Felucca Sailing
Aswan - Nile felucca cruise. There is an optional early A air excursion to famous Abu Simbel, which Sarah Holden recommends seeing so I guess I will see a) how much it costs, and b) how safe the aircraft looks, e.g. is it held together with duct tape...? Abu Simbel is the rock-cut temple of King Ramses II, the Great Builder. In the afternoon, our tour group board our Nile felucca for a 2 night voyage downstream on the River Nile. This sounds fascinating... all open deck - huge cushions or one large mattress on deck for us to sleep on, no toilet.... but staff who feed and water you the whole time. You sleep under the stars, or they put up a sheet above. I have my sleeping bag. And bug spray. And I can be a camel - I won't need a toilet for HOURS. I am quite excited about this part of the trip. I even packed a book. It better be good. 

Day 9: Saturday 30 April - Sailing the River Nile
Continuation of the Nile felucca cruise. Relax, go for a swim or just chill out in the sun on deck. I will let all my troubles melt away, as the felucca plies its route. A stop will be made at the Temple of Kom Ombo - dedicated to the crocodile headed god - Sobek. Sounds interesting... 

Day 10: Sunday 1 May - Kom Ombo Temple & Luxor
Kom Ombo - Edfu - Luxor. Disembarking in Kom Ombo, I'll enjoy a guided tour of the Temple of Horus at Edfu, before driving north to Luxor. I am guessing in a bus. Home of the legendary Valley of the Kings and Temple of Karnak, 4000 year-old Luxor is ancient Egypt at it’s best. I will once again enjoy some rest and relaxation. This is beginning to set a trend. Tonight, an optional visit is available to the Temple of Luxor, spectacularly illuminated at night. I think I am keen for this. Our tour group then travel to the temple by traditional horse and carriage with restaurant dinner afterwards. (AMAZING!) The remainder of the evening is free to do whatever I like. Outstanding. 

Day 11: Monday 2 May - Valley of the Kings
Luxor - Cairo. An early start allows our tour to avoid some of the fierce midday heat as we venture to the tomb strewn Valley of the Kings. Highlights of the visit include the Colossi of Memnon, a massive pair of statues that stand silent against the backdrop of history, the Valleys of the Kings, the Valley of the Queens and the awesome ramped and colonnaded Temple of Queen Hatshepsut. The Valley of the Kings is studded with often highly decorated tombs, constructed to once house the regal sarcophagi enclosed mummies of the mighty pharaohs awaiting passage into the after-life. This afternoon after lunch and time to relax I will be visiting the colossal Temple of Karnak. I will lose myself in the stone-columned Hypostle Hall and go crazy with my camera. My itinerary told me to do all of this. HAHA. This - is - ancient - Egypt. (not Tonight, our tour returns by overnight train to Cairo, 1st class recliner seats. Sounds flashy. Might actually be able to get some shut eye. 

Day 12: Tuesday 3rd May - Cairo
Cairo. Arrival and included onward departure transfer to the airport. I am hoping to join the tour group on the afternoon tour of the Egyptian Museum, depending how I feel :)  My flight is with Egyptian Air, and leaves Cairo at 18:00 and arrives in London, Heathrow at 21:20 local time. Whew. 

This is going to be the most amazing experience of my life, I am sure. I am about to see and do things I have only ever read about or thought about doing... it is terrifying and exciting all at the same time. There will be *many* photos and *multiple* blogs about this. I have taken the 4th of May off school to recoup, and will be seeing Les Miserables in the evening... such a hard life, I know. 

I've got a ticket to ride... and I am off in not-very-many hours... so until the next blog....

Cheery bye :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds FANTASTIC - one part of the world I have never been and am extremely envious! have a blast and LOTS of photos please xxx
