Saturday, April 16, 2011

The cake... A process in pictures

So this blog is really only going to be a series of photos showing some sort of process of the making of Dan Kennedy's 30th Birthday Cake. Cameron is going to hopefully put together a sort of, time-lapse video of the 5 or so hours of decorating/assembling it took from icing to assembling all the bits, to the completed project. When he has done that I will upload it here :)

It is amazing how it all begins. I wish I took a photo of the lump of icing, pre car shape!

Such concentration!

Mixing the light grey for the windows... hmmm....

Gah... it is lopsided... I'll fix YOU!
Cutting out the windows... it's very precise work!

So far, so good...
The rubber seal for the windows... rolling the tiniest sausage...
Sometimes I wish my fingers were smaller haha
Toothpicks... a cake decorators friends!

Pin striping... not easy!

This licence plate took me half an hour! Toothpicks and tweezers!!

Such precision...

It was a Layland Mini Cooper replica...

I love sparkle dust!
Seemed an appropriate road sign for a 30th...
This also seemed appropriate for a Kiwi living in London!

Grass, grass and MORE grass. Thank you Mr. garlic crusher!
Bits and pieces...

Road is on... placing the car...

Skid marks care of a toothpick for texture :)
Skid marks painted with Gel colour.

Nearly done... but I feel it is missing something...
Loving the broken candle/road marker. Red electrical tape at the top :)
Spot the difference? Spot the KIWI!!

Transporting the cake... eeek! By foot, bus and train! That's a first!
OH EM GEE! Don't drop it!
At Brixton Station...
So far, so good... on the Victoria Line... quiet for a Friday evening!
People on the train were *intrigued!*
Dan (on the right) was the recipient of the cake, and was STOKED. Note the small fire. Oops!

A little singed... but all good!

Nooooooooo! Every good cake has to be cut up and destroyed. It's a sad life.

And just like that, it was all over, Rover.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how you do it! I simply couldn't ruin a cake - which is why I nearly cried when I had to cut mine up :(

    (I still have my dragon)
