Saturday, June 11, 2011

Feet Eating Fish, Markets and Marvelous Musicals!

Today was a jam-packed Saturday... Which is just the way I like it... After all- I am living in London town, which is full of things to do!

I met up with my friend, Alison, another teacher in London. We met at the "made famous by Gordon Ramsay" Borough Market where we wandered about looking at the impressive range of food- and tried a sample or two. I had a Pimms and Lemonade and a traditional English lunch of a bacon butty- which had more bacon than I could physically eat... Really!

Alison and I outside Borough Market, London.

After we had walked the market we decided that we would go and check out Portobello Road. Both of us had been once before- but not in a while. What a great market- it's so nice to wander up and down the hustle and bustle of Portobello Road- mostly tourists I suspect at these markets. But that's ok... It meant that I fitted right in with my camera! I'm *such* a tourist!

Crazy yet cool Portobello Road
I bought 2 more dresses. I know, I know... I don't seem to have much self control... But they're really cute and can be worn for school... So who cares, right? It's only money... Ya can't take it with you!! As Alison and I were trawling along we came across a nail salon. But this wasn't your regular "we paint toenails and fingernails" salon- oh, no! There, in the window were people with their feet in clear basins full of dead skin-eating fish. I had wanted to try this out for a while, and at £15 for 20 minutes of hungry fish eating action I decided it would be fun. So Alison and I gave it a go. 

This was after a few minutes when I no longer felt like gagging. 

I *love* the facials of the woman looking in the window! Classic!

After getting over the first few minutes (where my skin was crawling, I felt like gagging and I couldn't look in the basin of fish eating my feet!) I actually got used to it. You know the feeling of letting your pet goldfish nibble your finger tips. Well, multiply that one pet goldfish by about 30- and imagine them all having a nibble. On your feet! After a while, it was actually quite pleasant. Except for the random people who would look in the window at us then ask us what it felt like. Anyway-- if you ever get the opportunity it is totally worth it- my feet are rather dead skin free now- ready for another build up. Gross. Haha! 

Nom. Om Nom Nom Nom. Ergh.

After a dark chocolate Belgian waffle (dear Lord...eating again!!) we left Notting Hill. (yes - we saw the little travel bookshop from the movie!) I was bound for more excitement...Shrek the Musical. Funnily enough- even though I was unsure about this musical when booking my ticket, I was now strangely excited!! Thanks Mum and Cath for telling me it would be worth seeing! It most definitely was :)

Only in London. There were heaps of Stag and Hen Do's today!

So. Shrek the Musical. OH. MY. FREAKING. GOODNESS!!!!!

aMaZiNg show - see it if you get the opportunity!
I am *so* pleased I went. And I might try and go again. It was an explosion of colour and costumes, staging and set, choreography and clever lines. It was, in a word, aMaZiNg! The role of Shrek was MADE for Ian Carr. He would have *owned* that role! I smiled *so* many times when reminded of Ian. Lord Farquad was hilarious. Think of John Lithgow in "3rd Rock from the Sun" meets Mike Meyers as Austin Powers and Doctor Evil. He was on his knees with his legs covered by a cloak- and had fake legs at the front which moved in the most entertaining way. His prize line? He hadn't yet met Princess Fiona, and was rehearsing what he wanted to say to her...
"Oh- Princess Fiona. How nice to finally meet. My name is Lord Farquad.... But you can call me... Maximus. (opens and closes legs, suggestively)....No. Too smutty." 
I laughed. Bahhahahha. 

I loved the costuming- it was so colourful and so detailed. For the first time I paid £1 to rent some binoculars which was a great idea- I could have a look at faces and costume/set detail. Totally worth it! I loved Peter Pan and Pinnochio. Oh and Gingy. And Puss in Boots. Oh and the Fairy God Mother. And Humpty Dumpty. Heck- I loved them all!!!! They all looked and sounded liked they did on the movie - so cool to see the movie come alive on stage! 

Theatre magic. Wow. This show really has it. People appear from nowhere, Princess Fiona changes from her human self to an ogre at the blink of an eye- such awesome theatre magic. I love it when genuinely don't know how they have done something :)

The staging was incredibly clever- I wondered how they would pull this show off and have it be any good. It works. It really does. The bridge over the boiling lava was incredible. The dragon was spectacular - operated by four people it moved so easily and you forgot the puppeteers were even there. There was another dragon just above my head which swooped down a the end. How cool to have been sitting lower down and get the surprise of your life when the dragon showed up! 

The choreography was clean- and very clever. Being up quite high I had a good view of the formations which always seemed spot-on. I loved the Pied Piper's rats. The curtain was raised just a little and there were rats- attached to tap shoes. Very 42nd street. And when the curtain was raised there were men in tails with rat noses who did this huge tap routine. You know me- a sucker for tap! There were so many references to other musicals, which I found really clever. The most obvious reference was when the full cast were in the triangular shaped formation like in Les Miserables. Someone ran on at the last minute with a HUGE Shrek Coloured flag. With the famous 'Eponine' Les Miserables logo on it. Love it. This show was funny for adults and children alike - much like the movie. The lyrics to the songs were clever - I think I'd like to download the soundtrack. Some stand out songs were: 
I know it's today:

Big, bright, beautiful world:

Morning Person: 

I was disappointed with Amanda Holden- who judges Britain's got Talent, she played Fiona. I found her voice to be a little weak for the role in the upper register. But the girls who played 7 year old Fiona and teenage Fiona were fabulous. I also was a little irked at the end when they all got up and sang "I'm a believer" as it was so flat!! My goodness. I wasn't sure if they were trying to mimic bad karaoke or what- but if that is what they were going for- total success!! Also, there was a family in front of me who bought along a 2 year old to see the show. It was all very cute when he was pointing everything out; 
"Look- a fire"
"Look - a dragon"
"That man went (insert farting sound here) he he ha ha giggle giggle"
I tell you. It got old very quickly. Once again though, great seats for my £19.75! 

The band were excellent. And there was a part for Alto Sax, Flute, Clarinet and Piccolo. That always makes my day! I'm stoked I saw it. If you ever get the chance- don't turn up your nose and think "I bet that will be rubbish- how on earth can it be as good as the Pixar movie?" I assure you it is awesome, and well-worth seeing.

On another note. Two funny things have happened in the past week that I feel I should share on my blog, for all those non-Facebook users! 

The first happened on Thursday morning. I was on the way to Brixton station and it was only 7.30am so I decided that this would be the day of the week I'd stop for my typical Soy Chai Latte from Starbucks. I handed over my £3 and waited for my morning Chai goodness to be prepared by the red haired barrista who always seems pleased to see my face. As he handed me my Chai, he said "Have a great day" and smiled at me. Naturally, I smiled back at him and left to hop on the train. As I squeezed myself onto an already full train carriage, a friendly guy stood up and said "Hey- take my seat". I figured I must be having a *very* good day! I politely accepted the seat (afterall it is not every day you get offered a seat!) and went to take a sip of my Chai, which by now would be a good temperature. As I raised the cup to my lips I noticed something written on the sleeve of the cup. A phone number. And a word. A name. Tay. I grinned like an idiot thinking about the fact that something that surely only happens in the movies, happened to me. And then I nearly literally laughed out loud when I wondered if Tay was short for Taylor. Now; those of you who are unfamiliar with the song "Taylor, the latte boy" should view the video below! I thought it was funny. I didn't keep the number however- as I decided two things. 

1.) He only looked about 18. 
2.) He probably writes this on the cup sleeves of all the girls he serves in the hope that one of them, one day, will call. A cynic, I know. I figure if he does it again next week- I might call. 

Taylor, the Latte Boy

The other thing that happened was that my sister posted some recent photos of her little family- along with a few pics of mum and dad with the twins and my nana and the twins. I was teaching reception class the morning the envelope arrived, so 4-5 year olds. I showed a group of them the photos. Their response; 

"Sarah....why don't you bring your babies to school to see us in Turquoise class?" mistaking my sister for myself. 
And the other thing one of them said, pointing at a photo with my Nana in- 
"Sarah... Who's that?". 
"My Nana" I replied."
Two of them looked at each other and one said to the other "I didn't know Sarah's Nana was the Queen?!" 
I did laugh out loud for that one. Love it. 

Tomorrow I'm off to The Tower of London, so until more adventures arise.... and then I have just 30 more working days in London town until I morph into a Gypsy and wear the same outfits (and God-forbid, shoes!) for a few months. 

Cheery bye :)

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