Sunday, June 26, 2011

Michael Ball, Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons....

I purchased my ticket to see Michael Ball in concert for Wednesday 22nd June back in March, after receiving an email from Mum saying: "Michael Ball is coming!" 

Not wanting to miss out on a ticket- I booked then and there. I arrived at my favourite venue in the world ever just on time and went to locate my seat. Every time I go to the Albert, (we're on first name basis these days) I book for the Upper Circle, about the third or fourth row back in the middle. I always get a great view. On reaching the upper circle I have to say that I was surprised it was empty, bar about 5 others. The man at the door said that I could sit wherever I liked- including downstairs in the stalls. I liked the seat I booked, but there were people right next to me, so I moved up a few rows- with an epic view. 

My most favourite venue in the world! 

The opening number was something I was unfamiliar with and sounded a little dreary for an opening number. I was thinking perhaps I had made a mistake booking this one....boy was I wrong! Before he went on with the show he told the audience he needed to be serious and that camera flashes were distracting for his musicians. He then proceeded to model 10 or so poses and told the audience to get snap happy... They loved him for that!!

There he is! So much reflection though...
Apparently he was just warming up... The songs that followed were a bracket of "Hero" themed songs, and a series of love ballads. Who doesn't enjoy a good ol' love ballad?! I really enjoyed his NYC bracket and decided, then and there, that in the next two years I am going to NYC for a holiday. It has to be done. His band and backing singers were fabulous- I loved the tone of the flutist and the trumpets... wow. 

His second half was my favourite of the two- mainly because it was made up of theatre, theatre and a touch more theatre. He nailed "Sunset Boulevard", he sounded awesome in "Not While I'm Around" from Sweeney Todd and when he sang Empty Chairs at empty tables....? Well... I was in tears. It was really good. I am looking forward to seeing Les Mis again in London before I leave- because as of this week Matt Lucas stars as Msr. Thenardier and Alfie Boe as Val Jean. It is something I cannot miss. 

His ending bracket was made up of a mix of Queen, Neil Diamond, Barry Manilow and Sting... With a little bit of the old Buble (well, not really Buble...) with "For Once In Your Life". I have to say... I didn't swoon during that like I would have if Buble was singing... Sigh. Buble. 

I loved the end- he left the stage after bows and claps a after a few minutes of rumbling feet on the floor and hands still clapping- chants coming from voices, he returned and sang a couple of other numbers. I loved it when at 10.10pm he stopped and explained that there is a fine if you are in the Albert past 10pm- so he had to stop. Then he cheekily looked up and said "....Well, I've already got the fine.... may as well sing another!"

When he sang "Love Changes Everything" (and that, it does!!) he mentioned that his favourite artist and long time friend who was here tonight wrote what he was about to sing. Does this mean that Andrew Lloyd Webber was also in the Albert tonight?! Sounds that way and I heard some others talking about it after the show. Cool! In the presence of the man himself. 

The audience loved Michael Ball and he really worked the audience. He is very real- very at ease and quite fun on stage. Remember a few weeks back, I posted on facebook that I missed getting into my car and blasting a song an singing at the top of my lungs? Well tonight, Ladies and Gentlemen- I not only sang my little heart out along with him (given there wasn't anyone around, I was safe!) but I danced too. I even danced with the old man who was looking after the door! It made his life, I'm sure. 

At the very end I am convinced Michael pointed at me all the way up top- by myself. Don't worry- I gave him a wave and an almighty whistle for everyone I know back home who would have loved the show! 

Michael Ball? Yeah. He's still got it.

On Thursday the 23rd I met up with a girl I met when in Turkey and Egypt, Gemma, and her friend Hayley. We had an awesome time at the Bison & Bird, Clapham Common. They had 2 for 1 cocktails until 8pm, and £3 Mojito's all night... it was a good night, that's for sure.  

Gemma, Hayley and I at Bison and Bird :)

On Saturday the 25th of June, I went to see Jersey Boys. This had been a show I wanted to see since arriving in London, aaaaalllllllll the way back in December. Wow. How the time has flown by! I went to see this one with my new London friend, Janet - who is a childhood friend of Anne Nellist's. 

Oh what a night!!! Late June, 2011!
I met Janet at a restaurant near Holborn Station called 32 Queen Street. Such an interesting menu, so many things I'd never heard of before - but amazingly delicious! Janet had to try the meal with "ticklemore" in it just so she could try ticklemore. Which, for those who are wondering, is a type of sheep cheese.

We ate and realised it was already 7:10pm so ordered the bill and high-tailed it out of there. Unfortunately for us we had managed to meet up at a restaurant that was quite far from The Prince Edward theatre. Oops! We ended up hopping in a taxi and picked up our tickets and found our seats, which were thankfully on the far end of the row! We had one minute to settle and the show began- how was that for luck?!

It opened with full company, singing "Oh what a night" in French which was random until the story began and it was explained. This show reminded me of The Buddy Holly Story with the way thy the story was explained then a song would start and on it would go. I love this kind of show- one where I learn about historical events as it progresses.

The staging was awesome- so slick. Everything was smooth and sleek- we were sitting up in the grand circle so had a great view looking down onto the stage. There were flys coming in from the ceiling- it is amazing how much space is up there, sign after sign, lamp posts, three Cadillac facades- so many things flying in and out. As one thing would fly out something else would fly in. I love theatre- every aspect. How they make a show come to life with backdrops and flys are something that never ceases to impress me!

Microphones and other stage props would come up and out of the stage and disappear again when no longer needed. I love it! The guy who played Frankie Valli had the most incredible voice. He sounded so much like the real deal it was uncanny. So many times I heard songs and immediately thought of the movie it was featured in; "Walk like a man" - Mrs. Doubtfire.
"Big Girls don't cry" - Sleepers. (great movie!)
"Earth Angel" Back to the Future. Just to name a few!

There were only three women in the company, and it was quite a small cast overall. But the people they did have were amazing! I felt like I was at an actual concert- and at times the audience just didn't stop applauding, they were that convincing as The Four Seasons. A line that made me LOL?
"What's your name?"
"The Four Seasons."
"Oh. Right."
"Well, we like it!"
"Yeah? So did Vivaldi".

I don't think this line got nearly as many laughs as it should have. Perhaps people didn't get it? I loved the end where each original member of the Seasons stepped forward and said something about their life and times being a Four Season- powerful.

The band were ace. Like - AMAZINGLY awesome. I loved how the drummer would be playing and then be raised out of the stage - all the while continuing to play. So cool. During some of the songs the musos were on stage playing, doing a little choreography too- hot. Something about musicians!!!!

At the end all cast and musicians were playing on stage together which I really liked- it was nice to see them all playing live. Without the band the show would be nothing really. At the very end the Musical Director popped on stage and gave a little wave. Nice to see the man behind this epic show. The show wouldn't go on without a Musical Director. They are such an important person in any show.

Overall this is a show I'd recommend anyone see if they get the chance... It was extraordinary and the story was very well told. I loved it. Besides. Janet doesn't like musicals, and she enjoyed it. That says 'GO SEE IT!!!!' The clip below is the cast I saw the other night... listen to Ryan Milloy's voice... insane!

Today I spent the day lazing about in the sunshine in Hyde Park. It was definitely a picnic day, being 29 degrees, not a cloud in the sky. It was a bonus for Kylie, Anna (girls I met in Turkey/Egypt) as the "Hard Rock Calling" Music festival was on. We got to listen to the tunes of Train, Stevie Nicks etc for free... you gotta love that! We left before Rod Stewart. I could get used to London Summer... keep it up, London town! We had a great day, sampling all of the different flavours of wine coolers that Marks&Spencers make... in fact we enjoyed it so much that we think we might go back and do it all again next weekend. 

On another note, I am off to Belfast, Ireland for the weekend of the 15th of July with Kylie, which is exciting. I've not been to Ireland before! Also, this weekend Scott and I booked our flights/ferries for Greece. We will be spending 7 nights there, between Athens, Crete and Santorini. That is from the 16th - 23rd September. It's all happening so soon I can't quite believe it... mammoth trips coming my way! Huzzah! Before then I still have 8 nights in Italy with David and Fran, 2 weeks traveling around the UK, making stops in Portsmouth to stay with Rodney and Gill again, my friend Kat Taylor (nee Walters) who I went to Long Bay College with and her husband Simon, in Canterbury, Brenda and Geoff Houghton in St. Helens, Lancashire, who are Anne Nellist's parents, Neil and Pam Sanderson up in Workington, Cumbira - as well as visits to Edinburgh and Glasgow in Scotland. I am also planning to meet up with Erin and Thomas wherever they might be in Europe for a week - ten days. So many things to look forward to... how can I not be in a good mood??

People are starting to question how I am affording to see as many shows and go on as many trips as I am. It is simple. I am selling off the organs I don't require. You only need one kidney - right??? 

Just kidding. I am just being sensible and spending money on my priorities whilst I am here. That is music theatre and travel. I won't have any money to my name on my return home - but who cares?? And if I have to eat cereal for lunch for a few weeks, and beans on toast for dinner... that's OK too!!

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. Joe Lewis

Cheery bye :)

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