Sunday, June 5, 2011

I left my heart in San Francisco

Now, where was I....? After our adventurous day out in San Francisco city,
Melon and I decided a few easy days were in order. We watched Twilight... And New Moon... And most of Eclipse. It was a Twilight-a-thon! We ate donuts from the 7/11 for breakfast... I tried Taco Bell- which was surprisingly nicer than I really anticipated. Although I am guessing loaded with MSG- which explains why it tasted so good, and why I was not well for a few hours afterwards. Mmmmm self inflicted pain!! I sampled Banana Berry pancakes at IHOP - they were good! I think I've pretty much nailed all the typical American eateries that you hear about on movies which is cool. Although I also think that it is time for a Sarah-ious detox. The problem is that I was only in America for one week. And there were so many new and exciting things that I wanted to try. I doubt it's been very good for my waistline though- but hey- that's what holidays are for. Eating. Seeing. Doing. Shopping. Eating some more. Right? .....Right?!

Donuts and Coffee from 7/11

Taco Bell for lunch...

IHOP for dinner... hmmmm..... couldn't do *this* every day!

Shopping; I can safely say I've done well in that department. After managing to find 8 dresses that look awesome, some tops, pants, 2 pairs of shoes (oh my I was controlled- I tried on some
Chanel flats... Only $695USD... I decided that was a little overpriced hehe!) and some other items- I think I did well. I came to America with 12kg. I nearly *died* when I put my bag on the scales to leave America and the screen said 41.1.... Until I realised that the reading was in pounds. Whew! I only accumulated 7kg- woo hoo. Just under 19kg. Not bad! 

Melon and I headed into San Francisco city on Thursday to go to Alcatraz. We decided to have lunch first and went to The Hard Rock Cafe. I love looking at all the memorabilia on display. We had a nice meal there (huge though!) and we ordered cocktails. The waiter came back about 5 minutes after delivering the cocktails with another for me, the same as the first... Apparently the bar girl had made too much. Score! It was a tropical cocktail but I don't think there was any Malibu in it--- I even asked the waiter if they had forgotten to put the Malibu in! He gave me my next drink on the house because he felt bad I was disappointed with my first drink. This means that I managed to score two free drinks. Nice!! I think we may have spent a little long at THRC because all the trips to Alcatraz were booked out. Whoops! Lesson learnt there!

First lunch time cocktail...

And then I had two... hmmmm....

Let's ROCK! 
Silliness on Pier 39

We caught a cab from Pier 39 to Downtown. The meter when we stopped said $8.95, so I handed over a $20 and the taxi driver only gave me $10 in return. I questioned him, gesturing to the meter- and he said "This is America (some Asian swear words) you gotta tip!!" I was thinking - What the? A tip is when you voluntarily give it to them. Not have them just take it? He was not getting the tip now! He was pretty peeved- but on the way back to Pier 39 later on we realised that our earlier taxi driver had zig zagged all the side streets when he only needed to take two streets. Beware yellow, dishonest taxi cabs!!!! 

I love how the ship is framed in this shot. 

Alcatraz at dusk... 

Helen had an art assignment to do which involved a trip to SFMOMA (San Francisco Museum of Modern Arts) which I know my brother Tim would really have enjoyed. When we left there we went and saw a movie. We went and saw "Bridesmaids" which was really funny. I haven't laughed that hard in a while... to the point that I was nearly choking. My rib cage ached and I had tears streaming! If you get the chance - GO!! I quite fancied the Policeman in the movie. Perhaps my next man will be in the services haha. 

On Friday we were planning to try Alcatraz again. This time we got smart- we tried booking online. Unfortunately all the tickets were sold out for the next week! Popular trip! I think I recall Janet warning me of this - oops! Never mind... I'd like to come back to San Francisco again at some point, and I'm sure Alcatraz will always be there. We had a slow start to our day and decided to drive to Monterey and go to the world renowned Monterey Bay Aquarium. Before we went to the aquarium we needed sustenance- so where did we go? Monterey's First British Pub. Funny. I came all the way to America and went to a British Pub! I had fish and chips- which was an outstanding option being we were right by the ocean. It was as good as fish and chips in the Bay of Islands. I was suitably impressed. The aquarium was amazing, most definitely geared up for educational purposes... It would be a fabulous place for a class trip! I really liked it. Well set out and great variety of displays. Kelly Tarlton's is about on par with it though- good for Auckland!! 

We finished the evening with a dinner trip to Chili's- Dericious! Best Margarita's too! I had an awesome week- acting silly and having fun with Melon. We worked out that the last time I saw her was at my 21st... Back in 2003! It didn't seem to matter- we fitted back together easily. I am so grateful to Lexi and Helen (Melon) for having me for the week :)

Alexei and Melon

My flight back to London was delayed for an hour- so it has given me time to write this blog! I'm now *finally* in the line to board, so until my next adventure...

Cheery bye :)

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